Club #63: Southwest Missouri Unit 101 in Springfield, MO

August 16

Joyce Easson must be a saint. I double booked and set up games in both Emporia KS and Springfield MO on the same day. When I asked Joyce if we could switch to Tuesday the 16th, she replied, “not a problem.” She lied. They put out a great spread for all the players that took a lot of effort by many volunteers. I’m not sure how she did all this while she directed a two section game. She gets a lot of help from Unit President, Bernardo Flasterstein. While she can move mountains, even Joyce couldn’t get Virgil Anderson to move his birthday from the 15th to the 16th, but we celebrated his birthday a day late. It was a thrill for me to play with Virgil, the former District 15 rep, who left the board the year before I arrived. I have heard good things about him and I looked forward to this evening. His bridge was brilliant. He played four hands and on each of them he made one more trick than was possible; carrying us to a 67% game. Thanks to Joyce, Bernardo, Virgil and everyone who made the evening enjoyable.

Virgil Anderson

Virgil Anderson

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